A downloadable game for Windows

Critter Cove is an evolution game where you set up a world for critters to eat and run around that you can watch and eventually interact with.  

Disclaimer: This is my first game so it might be a bit laggy and/or buggy  

Setting Info: From what people have told me the setting doesn't make much sense. I am planning on fixing this in the next update by adding tooltips but for now, I will give a brief description of each setting here:

Spawn time: Time between food spawns in seconds, would set to something between 1 and 10

food energy min/ max: the range where food can have energy. would set to 0.2-3 to min and 3-7 for max

food size: food size is food energy * food size so set this to something to make your food a normal size

screen size: the area where food spawns is the larger the more rare food will become

meat size: the size of food that appears when a critter dies

Max food: the maximum amount of food that can exist. set this to something to make sure your computer does not explode like 800

starting critters: the amount of starting critters. would set to 4-10 

Max DNA Changes: the number of DNA changes that happen. the larger this the more attributes will be changed for each birth

Max DNA Distance: the scale of DNA changes that happen: the larger this is the more .extreme the attribute changes will be. would set to .2 to .8.


Game.zip 19 MB

Install instructions

Download then unzip then run then run "CritterCove.exe"

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